Membership Perks & Discounts

Enjoy exclusive benefits that enrich your membership experience.

Your membership unlocks discounts on entertainment, loans, real estate services, and much more.

Extended Teller Hours

Keep your lunch hour, because our tellers are open 7AM-7PM, 7 days a week.

Exclusive experiences included with your membership.

  • Pre-Sell Ticket Offers at Coastal Credit Union Music Park

    For select concerts, Coastal members can get exclusive presale ticket opportunities58. Access codes are available as a banner inside Digital Banking or by calling us at 800-868-4262.

  • Faster Concert Access

    Get early ticket offers and free Fast Lane access at Coastal Credit Union Music Park for a better concert experience.

  • Carolina Hurricanes Discounts

    Score discounted tickets to Carolina Hurricanes games and support the Coastal Credit Union Foundation with each purchase.

Enhance your membership with valuable discounts.

  • AutoSmart

    Find your next vehicle through our AutoSmart service and secure a low price with a Member Purchase Certificate.

  • Exclusive Rewards

    Access the LoveMyCreditUnion rewards for discounts from Trusts & Wills, Spectrum Mobile, TruStage Insurance, and more.

  • Tax Software Savings

    Save up to $15 on TurboTax online products or $25 on H&R Block® in-office services through Love My Credit Union Rewards

  • Tech Deals

    Enjoy discounts on Lenovo’s extensive range of laptops, tablets, desktops, and other electronics.

  • Special Rate Offer

    Get a .25% rate reduction Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit when you have a Coastal Mortgage.

  • Rewards Multiplier

    Automatically earn up to 3x additional points for cash, experiences, and travel when using your Coastal Signature Premier Rewards card at various retailers. 

Daymark Realty Discounts

Coastal members enjoy premium real estate services with our wholly-owned Daymark Realty. Saving you money whether you’re buying or selling.

Competitive Commission Rates

Sellers enjoy a low listing commission of just 2.1%, with no hidden fees.  Buyer agent compensation, if offered, would be an additional charge.

Professional Marketing

When you sell with Daymark Realty, each listing receives professional photography and a professional staging evaluation at no extra cost.

Savings for Buyers

You can receive $500 for working with a Daymark agent on your purchase.

Complimentary Financial Plan

Coastal members can receive a financial review at no cost. Our Coastal Wealth Management team, available through CFS59, will provide you with a customized retirement plan focused on your unique goals while staying within your risk comfort zone.

Personalized Approach

We begin with a thorough understanding of your financial goals and create a customized plan to meet them.

Ongoing Support

Our team provides continuous guidance and adjusts your plan as your life and the markets change.

Financial Planning Webinars

Join our webinars to stay informed about key financial topics and trends. Gain valuable insights from our experts to enhance your financial knowledge and decision-making.

Community Contributions

Each time you use a Coastal debit or credit card, Coastal donates a penny to our foundation. That adds up to almost $400,000 every year to help our community!