Our savings accounts offer attractive dividend rates, helping your money grow faster.
Your journey to financial wellness starts here.
Whether you're saving for specific goals or building an emergency fund, our accounts are designed to help you grow your money securely and efficiently.
Savings Rates
Savings Rates
Product | Minimum Deposit | Dividend Rate | APY |
Savings | $25.00 | 0.10% |
0.10% 10 |
Special Savings | $0 | 0.10% |
0.10% 10 |
Health Savings Account (HSA) | $1.00 | 0.60% |
0.60% 10 |
High Yield Savings Tier 1 Average Daily Balances of $9,999.99 or less |
$0 | 0.10% |
0.10% 11 |
High Yield Savings Tier 2 Average Daily Balances of $10,000 or more |
$0 | 2.96% |
3.00% 11 |
High Yield IRA Savings Account10 | $0 | 2.96% | 3.00% |
Our savings accounts feature:
Low Minimum Deposits
Start with just $25 in a Primary Savings Account and $0 in a Special Savings Account.
Access to Full Range of Products
Opening a Primary Savings Account makes you a member-owner, giving you access to all our services.
Easy Account Management
Manage your accounts seamlessly through Digital Banking.
How to Save Money at Coastal
Primary Savings Account
The gateway to membership. This is the first step in your savings journey.10
Special Savings Account
Ideal for setting aside funds for vacations, hobbies, or holiday expenses.10
Go Green Money Market
Pairs seamlessly with your Go Green Checking to grow your savings faster.
Start with as little as $250. Enjoy peace of mind with fixed rates.
High Yield Savings
Enjoy dividendsat competitive money market rates, calculated based on your daily balance.11
IRA High Yield Savings
We offer a range of IRA options to help you grow your savings effectively and securely.
Health Saving Account (HSA)
Designed for those with High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHP). A smart way to manage rising healthcare expenses.
Education Savings (Coverdell ESA)
Invest in your child’s future with tax advantages and flexible spending options.
Get personalized planning for a more secure future. Featuring:
Holistic Retirement Strategies
Let our CFS advisors craft a customized plan that aligns with your retirement aspirations.
Adaptive Planning
Life changes, and so should your retirement plan. We'll help you stay on track, adjusting as needed.
Complimentary Sessions
Benefit from a no-cost retirement planning session with a CFS financial advisor, to help ensure your retirement goals are within reach.12