
Opening Your Own Business? Follow These 4 Steps To Get Started

Posted July 14, 2021 in Member Tips
Photo of Lauren Vance
by Lauren Vance
Marketing Specialist

Starting your own business can be an exciting idea. After all, America is a land of entrepreneurs. In fact, there are 30.7 million small businesses in the U.S. Although opening your own business can be a wonderful financial opportunity, there can also be some financial challenges along the way.

In order to help you get your business up and running, we have four steps to help you get started! 

There are 30.7 million small businesses in the U.S. - image

Learn the Financial Basics of Starting a Small Business

1. Set Your Business Goals

Where do you see your business in five years? Where do you see it in ten years? It's important to clearly define what you envision so you can look back at your goals while you are developing your business. Write your goals down on paper so you can reference them later on. 

2. Develop Your Business Structure

How will you run your business? Who will be apart of your business? Step two is all about making important decisions that will define your business. From taxes to business registration, there are many factors to consider when it comes to developing your business plan. Not sure where to begin? Don't worry! Here are some of the key things to make sure you do in order to get your business started off on the right foot: 

3. Build Your Daily Schedule

"Time is money" when it comes to growing your business. Make sure you map out a daily schedule for yourself (and if your employees if you have them) to ensure that you are making the best use of your time. When you open a business, you'll find that there are many different hats that you'll wear. In order to balance your different tasks, it's important to make a list of priorities and schedule them into your daily work routine so you can ensure that all parts of your business get equal attention. 

4. Set Monthly Revenue Objectives

Once your business is up and running, it's critical that you set milestone goals to help you check-in on your progress. Once you have your financial goals in place, you'll be able to measure how well you are doing as well as see areas that you could improve to help make your goals a reality. 

How Coastal Can Help You Make Your Business Dreams Comes True

See how Coastal was able to help Candice with her dream of starting her own business. With the help of Coastal Credit Union, she was able to open Garnish Hair Studio and Extension Bar, which is now flourishing here in Raleigh.

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