
Credit Card Fraud Text Alerts

Posted September 27, 2021 in Articles
Photo of Joe Mecca
by Joe Mecca
VP, Communication / Company Spokesperson

Starting October 12, 2021, we’ll begin providing text and email fraud alerts for all credit cards. This is designed to help protect you by more quickly identifying fraudulent transactions, and reduces the inconvenience of having your card blocked for legitimate transaction that we couldn’t confirm.

Currently, if we suspect a fraudulent transaction, we call you at home to confirm the transaction. The new process will be to first text the mobile number on file, followed by an email, and then a home call, if we don’t get a response to the text. 

If the transaction is legitimate, simply respond with “yes”, and no further action is needed. If we receive a “no” response, or don’t get a response, the card will be blocked to prevent further fraud.

Members are automatically enrolled.  You simply need to make sure your contact info is up to date in online banking. Log in to online banking and visit the Account Services page, and then click the Change Address and Phone Number link under the User Profile menu. You can also update your Email address under the Change Email Address link.

It’s important to note, for your protection:

  • The text from Coastal will include our abbreviated name, the last 4 digits of the card in question, the amount of the transaction, and the merchant name. We will only ask you to respond “Yes” or “No” to the questions.
  • The text will not request additional information, or ask you to click a link to log in or provide personal info. We will never contact you and ask for personal and sensitive information. These are common tactics used by fraudsters, and if you ever get a text like that, please report it immediately.  

We already provide fraud text alerts for all Coastal debit cards.

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